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The first round applications for this selection process are open until 19th march.
Advertising and Public Relations
Market research and Evaluation
International marketing
This profile have the higest demand on Asia and Pacific, for example India, China, Malasya..
Having a second and third language, besides English, is highly appreciated, as well as having practical experience in the field.
The lenght is generally around 6 months (or longer as an option). There are a lot of opportunities for spanish speakers.
Profile information
Which profiles we are looking for?
Soy un párrafo. Haz clic aquí para agregar tu propio texto y edítame. Soy un lugar ideal para que cuentes una historia y permitas que tus usuarios conozcan un poco más sobre ti.
The most demanded skill is sales. So not matter the profile demanded this will be a common task included in the Job Description.
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